Landscape resilience
for a sustainable value chain

Our approach is to guarantee our partners a deforestation-free supply chain, while encouraging responsible farming practices that respect existing ecosystems.

Promoting and supporting agroforestry

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Shade tree distribution strategy on your landscape

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Local Environmental Committees (CLE)

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Promoting and supporting agroforestry

Beside promoting and assisting farmers to adopt agroforestry, we invest in academic research to develop economically and ecologically efficient agroforestry systems.


Shade tree distribution

Through various intervention programs, So-B-Green distributes forest trees of local species to farmers according to agroforestry systems predefined with them.


Local Environmental Committees (CLE)

We set up Local Environmental Committees (CLE) in collaboration with local authorities, to raise community awareness of climate change, the benefits of agroforestry systems and the Forestry Code.

This local governance body helps to encourage farmers to adopt agroforestry and land protection techniques, while protecting them from legal and illegal loggers.


Our projects to promote territorial resilience

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Our other services


We guide you through the EUDR compliance process, combining documentary, field and satellite verification.


We can support you throughout the certification process, or on an Ad hoc basis.

Farmers resilience

We intervene through numerous activities to strengthen the resilience of farmers and their households.

Any questions?

So-B-Green FAQ

Territorial issues require territorial responses. Deforestation or excessive use of plant protection products on one plot will have a potential impact on neighboring fields (water contamination, lack of evapotranspiration, etc.). The systemic impact of practices on a given area therefore requires the harmonization of best practices in order to achieve global resilience.

Our approach is multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder. It involves working with different stakeholders in the areas where we operate, from customary authorities to public authorities and other players in the agricultural sector.

Flexibility, know-how, innovation and rigor are our best assets in supporting you.